Mike's Corner
April 2004
Arnold Schwarzenegger
       This man is my hero because he has known since he was ten years old what direction his life would take. He has always had a dream to be a body builder and has strived to become " Mr Universe". This title he has owned for several years and still owns several other records of body building. He stays with a dream until he realizes his potential. This should be a lesson for everyone in achieving their goals, as he is a very successful man in today's world. His ultimate dream has led to his prowess in the real estate market and can he prove that he owns several properties. This also makes his dream to be the best at whatever he does come true. He lives in California, which he says, is the best place to live and achieve his dream in. As I have stated, he is my  ultimate hero because he has known what his dreams are about and can succeed in his life by knowing what runs his life. A person has just to dream about something and has to have enough pull to bring it out in their life. To succeed at this dream one has to have enough patience and forbearence to use it in their life. I have only found out what direction my life would take in the fortieth year of my life. Some people would think that it was my time to do it. To realize my full potential at so late in life is better than not realizing it at all. This is why Arnold S. is my hero.


American Dream

The American dream is more than a dream. It is a statement of philosphy. A statement of one's life as it can be put down on paper. The American dream is taking a fork in the road of life and turning it into a successful and well-meant life. A person does not have to be rich to fulfill a life to the best foot possible. This satisfies the person and makes the person feel the best about themselves. Even a person that is from a foreign land can experience the dream as it is not confined to America. You don't have to be from America to have a dream, As Dr. King was trying to tell the world. 


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